Reminder: There is no school this Thursday or Friday
Lockdown Practice
Year 8 graduation is this Friday, so make sure that your child attends if they are in Year 8. We do not want them to miss out.
Newsletter Term 4 Week 10
Newsletter Term 4 Week 10
Hansel and Gretel Ballet
Whole School attending the Royal New Zealand Ballet’s – Hansel & Gretel show at Aotea Theatre on Friday 1st December. While the akonga were waiting they began to sing as a koha for the performers, staff and other attending schools.
Haka Waiata
Last Wednesday we had our annual Haka Waiata. It was awesome to see so many whānau come and support their tamariki. A very proud and passionate group of students from each syndicate showcasing the unique nuances that make each syndicate special. Thank you to Matua Patrick and Mrs Ernstzen for judging! The winners of … Read moreHaka Waiata
Preparing for Haka Waiata!
We were fortunate and grateful to have Matua Jacob ( Head teacher of Te Reo at Dilworth College) to teach our boys Mau rākau. Ngaa mihinui Matua Jacob.
AMSAA exhibition
Come and see students’ artwork from the show now on display outside Ms Brook’s office. Group trip to AMSAA exhibition Students went in to see their work shown in the Auckland Middle Schools Art Association show, at Wynyard Quarter in city centre. Many thanks to Kamal’s dad Saifuddin for his help on the day. … Read moreAMSAA exhibition